
Hello, hope you are all happy and well today.

It is cold and grey and wet and windy here today, so a good day for sitting and crafting and tea drinking.  Have done all my chores so the afternoon is mine.

Yesterday was lovely and sunny so I went and did the grocery shop and then called into my friend (the one I walk with) on the way home, it was her birthday…I missed her as she had gone out to watch her son play football, so I left my little gift on her little porch…..oh well, I will see her on Wednesday.

I have had a couple of good things happen to me lately and I’m ever so grateful because it is making me feel more positive for my future.  My boss (Belinda) has given me a petrol voucher, it is worth one full tank of petrol a month.                                                                           I then received a lease renewal proposal for this house I am renting, it’s for another 12 months.  They are obviously very happy with the way I am looking after this house because they have not increased the rent.  I have been here two years so far and have not had to pay any extra….very grateful.

Belinda wasn’t in on Thursday, she rang me, we had a chat and then she asked me if I would be interested in working extra hours…to think about it and we will talk on Tuesday.   I am happy to work an extra hour the two days I am there plus another day, probably 21 hours all up and down the track add another 6-7 hours.  They are really happy with me, they are buying me a new computer as the other one is OLD and SLOW.   They want me to start a blog, how cool is that!!!!  I can blog and be paid for it and I have already set up a Facebook page for them but not done anything with it yet as they have changed their logo and web page.

I’m not sure if they understand how much this means to me, it eases the pressure of my money running out which means I will be able to live here for at least another year.  The money I earn will pay my rent each week and a little left over which of course will go towards the rest of the bills.

I can’t begin to tell you how grateful I am knowing that I am safe for another year and if all goes well, beyond a year.   I am grateful for a lovely boss who cares about her employee and grateful for my landlady who cares that I look after her home and she pays me in kind.

I was given this award by Jones please go and visit, she is a funny girl and I love her latest bake!!

I have to tell you 10 things about me, gosh I don’t know what to write tho. I think you pretty much know most of what I do/have done.


1. I am a bit fearful of snakes, one day my friend (the one I walk with) and I were walking back from the beach to our beach house, I had her baby in my arms, it was before I had children.  We saw a snake on the track just in front of us, she threw the buckets and spades up in the air, screamed and took off.  I just stood quietly with the baby till it slithered off.  We often laugh about it now, can you imagine if she had the baby in her arms……..I can’t believe how calm I was.

2.  I LOVE horses and the country.  I used to go to a riding school and pay for a ride or muck out the stables for a ride.  My aunty and uncle lived on a farm so when I went to stay I would ride their horse everyday, they would have to prise me off the saddle to get me in to eat.  Everytime I am around a horse I have to take in a big sniff of them.

3.  I had a little budgie when I was young and on the weekends I would sneak it into my bed, budgies poo a lot!! you can imagine what my sheets looked like.

4.  My first hubby and I bought an old home on an acre of land, I loved that old home, we had a massive veggie patch, plum trees, a cumquat, berrie vines and chickens…oh and a Rayburn slow combustion stove.  I made amazing jams and sauces on that old Rayburn, I loved it, it kept us fed, the house warm and heated the water too.

5.  I used to sing in the school choir, I was a soprano.  Most memorable moment, singing the theme to Romeo & Juliet at a concert.

6.  I love watching old movies, bit over the shoot ’em up variety now.  Can’t wait to see the Harry Potter movie, it will be bitter-sweet tho.  Love comedy, soppy romance and a good thriller.

7. I want to travel to England (as you have already gathered) so when I receive my millions (haven’t worked out how yet) I am on a jet plane and will be visiting every inch.

8.  I am an unusual dresser, not the norm so to speak.  I guess I am lucky being on the tiny side.  My daughter will raid my wardrobe a lot of the time, mind you I don’t wear her clothes, too short and too low at the front for me.  But we are basically the same size (she’s taller and slim around the middle unlike me)

9.  I would love to learn to spin (yarn), perhaps one day when I retire on my millions.  How cool would that be.

10.  I am a tea drinker, Twinings Lady Grey to be precise, but in winter I love a coffee at  lunch time, a coffee with milk AND a spoon of thick cream…indulgent….yes.

That’s about it.  I have to pick  other blogs to receive this award, I can’t choose because you are all creative in one way or another, so it is up for grabs to all of you.

My Granny blanket is almost finished, about 6 rows (although I will have to lay it out to see if it is square) and then the border and it will be finished.  I am surprised at myself that I have kept at it, I think it is around 5 weeks that I have been working on it now. I have been very good, been sewing in my ends mostly as I go.

Ok I’m off to start the next row.

Bye for now…oh one last thing I am grateful for


You all make me laugh and sometimes cry, I love being part of your lives.


Edit: I popped the blanket on my bed, I have LOTS more to do yet, well at least another 60 rows, but what’s that compared to the 147 that I have already done??  Another few solid hours is all……..
This entry was posted in Award, Blanket, Crochet, Gratitude. Bookmark the permalink.

15 Responses to Grateful

  1. Bimbi says:

    Ah, Sandi, what a heart warming post. I am very pleased for you that things have really turned out so well. There is nothing worse than existential worries gnawing away at you.
    Looking forward to your new blog too as I really love reading your posts.
    Have a good start to the week.
    Bimbi x

  2. Lorraine says:

    Some great news you’ve shared here Sandi and some fun interesting things about you. The blanket is looking fabulous, and will be gorgeous when finished.

  3. Helen says:

    Isn’t it wonderful when good things start to happen?! Loving your blanket, it looks really warm and snuggly.
    xXx Helen

  4. Melissa says:

    Yea for you! You are having a run of good luck! Do they sale lottery tickets in Australia because I’m thinking maybe you need to buy one so that you can retire on your millions 🙂 Be sure to come to the states when your win! The blanket is looking amazing!

  5. so, good things do sometimes happen to good people! Happy for all your good news my friend.
    And always love finding out more about my blogging pals. Do hope that when you visit the UK you pop up North and I can show you round Manchester!
    Have a good week
    fee x
    (getting paid to blog…heaven)

  6. Well I’m grateful for you too. And so happy that all these good things are happening to you! Big kiss and may the good things keep coming. BTW, the story with the snake is excellent!

  7. Sandra says:

    Lovely post Sandi, nice to hear your good news. Can’t believe you’ve nearly finished that blanket already – its looking gorgeous! x

  8. Sharon Domotor says:

    Hi Sandi, is this the blanket you have been working on? wow your amazing. And very creative too. Can you bottle some of that and send it to me 🙂
    Sharon xxx

  9. Stephanie says:

    A warm hello from France, Sandi.

    I am so happy about your good news. I can totally relate to what you explain about money, etc. I’ve been there too. I am really happy for you.

    Well done on getting the award 😉

  10. Nicki says:

    Are you hiding from me? I’ve subscribed twice to get your blog in my emails and also keep putting your link in my side bar so I can pick up your blog from my reading list but you just aren’t playing ball. What did I do?! (I’m kidding, I know it’s me being blonde…. hmph though, I missed three posts!)

    Love your blanket, it’s sooo pretty – gonna be gorgeous when it’s finished.

    Really nice to hear that you are on a bit of a happy streak at the minute and getting lots of good news. Although I have to say that your boss and landlady are lucky to have you too.

    Keep warm, keep wearing those amazin’ socks and keep up with the Lady Grey (am with ya there sista). Oh, and love the little ballet slipper bag too, so sweet.

    Nicki xx
    Come and see me when you come to England please 🙂 I’m in Northamptonshire which is DULL AS but there is a very sweet horse in a little paddock up from me if that swings it?

  11. Helen says:

    How lovely to hear all your good news. The blanket looks amazing! xx

  12. What lovely good news you have had. I recently started a good things book – you have reminded me that I need to tell you all about it! Next post maybe…
    I enjoyed finding out more about you through the 10 things – thanks for linking over to mine!
    When you get your millions be sure to get in touch, and I’ll show you my little patch of the UK. In the meantime I’ll try and take some more piccies as a virtual tour for you!
    Jones x
    PS the blanket looks a m a z i n g :o)

  13. Gem says:

    Wowzers, can’t believe you are getting paid to blog. You will be the envy of us all my dear!!!
    Loving those colours by the way, what a gorgeous blanket that will make.
    I love Oz, we travelled round for 12 months (and not just the east coast!!!) and loved Melbourne. You get all 4 seasons in one day don’t you!Love the sound of your old home. But sounds like you have a lovely one now too!
    Gem x x

  14. I’m so glad to hear that things are going well for you. Wouldn’t it be nice if life was like that all the time, would you like a pair of my rose tinted glasses, lol.

  15. Cuckoo says:

    Sandi, my lovely Sandi, I am sooooo glad you are able to stay in your home, that you won’t have to pay more, that your job is going well. I hate to think of you worrying about your future. I hope you have more good luck coming your way.

    Through your blog, through your emails, gifts and comments over at mine and those I see elsewhere I have come to think of you as the loveliest lady on this planet. So sweet and funny, kind and generous. You are the best sort of person ever and I love you.

    I had a budgie too, Billie was his name, he was as tame and cuddly as a cat!! I love Lady G tea! I am a bit scared of horses but not of snakes.

    I hope when you come to Blighty you’ll visit my inch.


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